Frequently Asked Questions
If the toolbar is not visible, you probably have to activate it. Select View > Toolbars > Quero from the menu bar. If Quero is not in the list of your toolbars, check that add-ons are enbaled (Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Enable third-party browser extensions) and restart IE. Please also apply all available patches to Internet Explorer and Windows.
Quero Toolbar is built on top of and optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer. Unfortunately, every browser has its own extension model, which are incompatible to each other. However, Quero may work in other IE based browsers. For example Maxthon and SlimBrowser state to support IE plug-ins, but even they are not always 100% IE compatible. To activate IE plug-ins under Maxthon you have to add the line bLoadAll=16 to the [IEPlugins] section in the configuration file config\plugins.ini. Some functions may not work correctly in Maxthon.
Make sure that your toolbars are not locked (uncheck View > Toolbars > Lock the Toolbars). To move or resize Quero Toolbar drag it by clicking and holding the left mouse button down on the separator at the left edge of the toolbar.
Probably your toolbars are locked. Click on View > Toolbars. Then uncheck "Lock the Toolbars". Now try to drag and resize your toolbars. In IE7 the navigation bar and tabbed browsing bar are fixed and cannot be moved, but it is possible to swap the position of the menu and navigation bar by editing a value in the registry (see Quero Launcher). Quero also allows you to hide the standard navigation bar.
All configuration options are accessible through the toolbar's menu. Click on the Quero logo to open that menu.
If Quick Find is active, Quero automatically searches for text as you type. There are three additional methods to search on text within the current page. First, after you have entered a search phrase in Quero's search box you can use the submenu "Find on Page" from the toolbar's menu. Second, click on the magnifying glass to search for the entered term or third, precede your search phrase by a slash /.
Yes, customize the behavior of Quero Toolbar in the advanced options (Quero > Options > Advanced) or open a new window by holding down the Shift key while pressing Enter, clicking on the Go button or a link from the search engine's drop-down list.
See the complete list of Quero Toolbar's keyboard shortcuts.
Quero Toolbar is designed to replace your standard address bar, although it can be used as a normal search bar as well. To replace your address bar with Quero Toolbar, hide the address bar by unchecking View > Toolbars > Address Bar from the Internet Explorer's menu bar or by right-clicking on a free area of any toolbar. Then click on the Quero logo and activate "Show URL" from the options dialog to let Quero Toolbar display the current URL from now on. On Windows XP SP2 we recommend not to deactivate the address bar, but to simply minimize it in order to avoid the permanent display of the current domain name in the title bar. For IE7 users: Since IE7 does not allow the user to turn off the navigation bar, Quero gives you the choice to hide it for you. Simply activate Quero > Options > Appearance > "Hide standard address/navigation bar".
Simply right-click on the Quero back or forward button to access your session history.
To prevent address navigation and instead perform a normal search, prefix your query either with a plus sign '+' or enclose it within "quotation marks".
In some cases it is ambiguous whether you mean an address or want to perform a search. Please indicate that you have entered an address by one of the following options:
- Enter the complete URL including the http scheme
- Configure the behavior of Ctrl+Enter to complete the URL for you (Quero > Options > Search Profiles > Edit)
- Append a : (colon) to local addresses (see How to navigate to local hosts on the Intranet)
- Toggle between search and navigation mode by pressing Ctrl+L
Basically Quero's pop-up blocker will only allow pop-ups that open due to an user interaction such as clicking on a button. If you want to allow a single pop-up to appear that would otherwise be blocked, hold down the Ctrl+Alt key while performing the action that would lead to open the pop-up, i.e. clicking on a link or opening a Web site. Please let us know, if you find pages where pop-ups are not properly handled.
When content was removed, a recycle bin icon appears on the right side of Quero's search box. Click on this icon to access the blocked content.
Visit the Web site and add its address to Quero's whitelist by clicking on the recycle bin icon and select Allow Content. In most cases it is sufficient to allow DIV and banner elements. Please let us know, if you find pages where the ad blocker is not working as expected.
Open the toolbar's menu by clicking on the Quero logo. There you will find the command "Clear History". This will both delete the history information collected by Quero Toolbar for the current user and the URL history of Internet Explorer. Keep in mind that Internet Explorer also stores temporary Internet files and cookies that have to be deleted separately by going to the Tools > Internet Options > General tab.
To get current weather information for your city, enter the city's name or zip code in Quero's search box and perform the search using the Weather search service.
To search for a particular connection enter the names of the departuring and destination stations (optionaly separated by " - ") and select a Railway's Web site from the search engine's combo box.
Starting with version 4 you can fully customize your list of available search engines and profiles. See also: How to add your own search providers to Quero
You can uninstall Quero Toolbar like any other program through the control panel. Open "Add or Remove Programs", select the Quero Toolbar entry and then click on Remove. Before uninstalling Quero Toolbar make sure that you have closed all open Internet Explorer instances.
To protect you against homograph attacks, Quero has a built-in IDN phishing detection, which will display a warning if a host name contains characters from more than one character set. Besides that it will display a small icon in the right corner of Quero's search box to indicate that the hostname contains non-standard characters. By clicking on that icon non-standard characters are highlighted in such a way that characters from different character sets receive different background colors. Pay attention to Web sites that exhibit unexpected color changes in their host name.
To protect you from various address spoofing attacks Quero
- highlights the most relevant part of the domain name (core domain)
- displays security indicators (icons) on the right side of Quero's combined address/search box
- displays security warning dialogs on suspicious addresses
The security warnings are:
- Suspicious character warning
This warning is displayed when a domain label (a part of the domain name separated by dots) uses characters that belong to different scripts like a mix of Latin and Cyrillic characters. [demo link] - Missing glyphs warning
This warning is displayed when the current address contains characters that the installed font is not capable of displaying correctly. [demo link] - Special ASCII character warning
This warning is displayed when the core domain contains special ASCII characters that are usually not permitted in domain names like underscores or ampersands. [demo link] - Illegal URL warning
This warning is displayed when the URL is malformed and does not comply with the specification. [demo link]
The security indicators are:
Lock icon
This icon indicates that the connection of the current Web site is secured by SSL/TSL. You can double click on the icon to display the whole security certificate.IDN icon
This icon indictates that the current URL is an Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) and contains non-ASCII characters. You can hover over the indicator to reveal the non-ASCII characters in the domain name or double click to toggle between the underlying Punycode and Unicode encoding.123 icon
This icon indicates that the current URL contains digits or special ASCII characters. You can hover over the indicator to reveal the digits and speical ASCII characters (like underscores or ampersands) in the domain name.Recycle bin icon
This icon indicates that the Quero ad blocker has removed content from the current page. Click on the icon to view the blocked content.
To customize the security settings go to Quero > Options > Security.
Quero Toolbar stores its settings under the Windows Registry key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Quero Toolbar] (Windows XP), [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AppDataLow\Software\Quero Toolbar] (Windows 7, Windows Vista) or [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\InternetRegistry\Software\Quero Toolbar] (Windows 8). To restrict that the current user can change particular settings change the owner of this key to Administrator, give the current user read permissions, and remove write permissions (Set Value and Delete) on the subkeys you want to protect.
Additionally, Quero allows you to restrict access to particular operations by adding the DWORD value "Restrictions" to the above key. The following restrictions are currently available:
- Bit 0 (0x01): Lock Quero Toolbar menu
- Bit 1 (0x02): Lock Quero options dialog
- Bit 2 (0x04): Lock "Allowed Sites"
- Bit 3 (0x08): Lock "View blocked content"
- Bit 4 (0x10): Lock "Block Ads"
- Bit 5 (0x20): Lock "Block Pop-ups"
- Bit 6 (0x40): Lock "Highlight"
Consider also to disable the history in Quero > Options > Settings and use the Quero Launcher to purge IE's browsing history. To restrict changes to the toolbar layout and access to IE functions use the Group Policy editor of Windows.
No, Quero Toolbar does not send any information back home and does not poll for updates. For detailed information read our Privacy Statement.
Please send all your questions to